Saturday, February 7, 2009

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia from & around the hotel...

more pics here


  1. Very unique blog.
    Fantastic pictures.
    I like your blog.

    I would like to invite you to join a global green community. Let's Stop Global Warming.
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    Keep blogging.
    Good Day.

  2. You visited my blog and I'm trying to figure out where you live. Beautiful photos. Did you take them?

  3. Oh..Nice...didnt know you were travelling here, hope you'll have a great stay.

  4. Hienoja kuvia. Piti oikein tulla katsomaan, kun kerroit, että olet Kairosta.

  5. oh, no! ANNIE left me a comment on my main blog ( and I came here after tooooo long time - I didn't know you've left comments here, I'm so sorry!

    SONIA; sorry I didn't notice your comment here!

    M.KATE; thanks, we had a good time! :)

    THAT IS THE CHICKEN; busy city, yes! :)

    ANNIE; kiitos kun kommentoit paablogiini - tajusin tulla taallakin valilla kaymaan! Kiitos!


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